Monday, June 1, 2009

You ask her questions
She can answer with her words
And sometimes she answers with her touch; that talks
as clearly as her lips when they speak
And these red roses say you love her
But she’s never heard it in your voice
Why couldn’t you tell her so she could know?

She twirls the tiny umbrella that sits in her margarita around in circles
“If only he loved the way I love…” she thought
As you sat across from her, your head resting in your hands
Looking beyond her, day dreaming dreams she can never see
“If only she knew the way I loved her” you thought
You were always fearing your words would never be enough

Then the silence takes on a tremendous weight,
Like a heavy leather coat in the dead of winter
That still can’t warm your shivering heart

You’re tired legs walk to the mail box
With your postcard that reads “I love you, come back”
But your fingers won’t loosen around the paper enough to let go
As you walk away with your future still in your hands
She sits alone at a park bench with her notebook
Writing you letters she’ll never send

You lay down with the postcard crumpled in your hands
She closes her notebook and lies it close to her heart

Holding on to a love that will never be